Description: By US Navy photo by Photographers Mate 3rd Class Jayme Pastoric Public domain a hrefhttpscommonswikimediaorgwikiFile3A011218N9769P047FA18WithWeaponsReadyforMissionjpgvia Wikimedia Commonsa Sent using GuerrillaMailcom Block or report abuse httpswwwguerrillamailcomabuseaVFF4CgwEY7sFjQC32FHcPcwbTA8WC1Q3D3D
Date: 2016-05-28
Downloads: 122
Filesize: 381453
011218N9769P047 FA18 With Weapons Ready for Mission sourced from Openclipart is licensed under CC0 1.0
* Note: Date might not match original source and might be an educated guess.