Description: The entire graphic is drawn as a single path filled with greenish cyan or any other color you change the value of fill in line 4 The other half usually shown in white is created here as a hole in the path but we have placed a red circle behind it That means it is completely transparent and has the red color its background has To achieve this not just with SVG but with other vector formats any black portion of the path is drawn counterclockwise any white portion clockwiseQuite frankly I think this color combination is ugly But it uses two opposing colors so it expresses the idea of opposites that YinYang symbolizesAlso this graphic is taking advantage of the kappa constant described in my ebook Bzier Circles and other shapes freely downloadable from wwwsmashwordscombooksview483578 kappa 4 sqrt2 1 3
By: AdamStanislav
Date: 2016-06-11
Block Explorer: View Transaction
Downloads: 122
Filesize: 2012
Bright Red and Dark Greenish Cyan YinYang sourced from Openclipart is licensed under CC0 1.0
* Note: Date might not match original source and might be an educated guess.