2017 YearMonth Calendar

Description: Yearly calendar can display any year defaults to 2017 as requested Labels events on mostly fixed holidays Click on a month to zoom in click on the title bar of the month to zoom out Defaults to year 2017 but can be changed Append a 4 digit year to the url of the SVG image ie calendarsvgyear2000 For a month calendar pass a number 112 as the month ie calendarsvgmonth2 Both parameters can be passed ie calendarsvgmonth2year2000 Code can be easily edited to add or delete events

By: JayNick

Date: 2016-12-16

Block Explorer: View Transaction


Large PNG 2400px

Medium PNG 800px

Small PNG 300px

Javascript is needed to download PNG's.

2017 YearMonth Calendar sourced from Openclipart is licensed under CC0 1.0

* Note: Date might not match original source and might be an educated guess.