Day 1231 of Bassel not being free100 years after WW1 began

Description: Day 1231 of Bassels imprisonment marks 100 years since the outbreak of World War I In commemoration of the fact that Bassel is a peacemaker and the sort of individual who believes in the power of technology to enrich life rather than destroy or pacifysedate it which is as radical of an idea today as it was 100 years ago this image contains in the background excerpts from the documentcorrespondence that triggered the AustroHungarian Empires declaration of war against the Kingdom of Serbia in July of 1914 Were there someone like Bassel around in those days WWI may have been avoidable Works citedThe AustroHungarian Empires Ultimatum to the Kingdom of Serbia English Translation httpwwilibbyueduindexphpTheAustroHungarianUltimatumtoSerbiaEnglishtranslation The Serbian Response to the AustroHungarian UltimatumEnglish Translation httpwwilibbyueduindexphpTheSerbianResponsetotheAustroHungarianUltimatumEnglishtranslation

By: LettersforBassel

Date: 2014-07-28

Downloads: 103

Filesize: 985825

Tags: Free Bassel Peace


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Day 1231 of Bassel not being free100 years after WW1 began sourced from Openclipart is licensed under CC0 1.0

* Note: Date might not match original source and might be an educated guess.