endcoal Earthkiller Climate Killer Coal Divest kohlefrei Kohleausstieg

Description: endcoal Earthkiller Climate Killer Coal Divest CO2 Climate Change Energy Earth World WorldKiller kohlefrei Klimakiller Klimaschutz Umweltschutz Divest Kohle Kohleausstieg Kohlestrom EnergieMafia Energie Erde Welt HambiBleibt Energiewende remix211386 remix305687 Clemens RattePolle

By: ClemensRattePolle

Date: 2018-09-23

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endcoal Earthkiller Climate Killer Coal Divest kohlefrei Kohleausstieg sourced from Openclipart is licensed under CC0 1.0

* Note: Date might not match original source and might be an educated guess.