Kohlebagger Schaufelrad Coal Excavator blade wheel

Description: Kohle Bagger Schaufelrad Kohlebagger Tagebau Kohlekraftwerk Kohlestrom Klimakiller KKW Braunkohle Klimaschutz Energiewende RWE Kohlelobby Klimawandel KohleMafia HambiBleibt Hambacher Wald Hambacher Forst Protest Demonstration Waldbesetzung EndeGelnde kohlefrei coalfree Klimagerechtigkeit fossilfree Symbol Silhouette Icon shape sketch Vector Vektor SVG eps SchwarzWei Coal Excavator blade wheel blackwhite Made by Clemens RattePolle

By: ClemensRattePolle

Date: 2018-08-27

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Kohlebagger Schaufelrad Coal Excavator blade wheel sourced from Openclipart is licensed under CC0 1.0

* Note: Date might not match original source and might be an educated guess.