Mermaid and sword

Description: At the time I uploaded this the original by tadmac was under question as potentially a logo that was not public domain Part of that logo was a mermaid with a sword which seems to be public domain being part of an official insignia of Warsaw The original was rather roughly represented so I redrew it from a public domain drawing of Warsaws flagCOA on Wikimedia Commons

By: Firkin

Date: 2018-01-07

Block Explorer: View Transaction

Downloads: 134

Filesize: 2704

Tags: Female Mermaid Myth Mythical Mythology Ocean remix293265 Sea Weapon Woman


Large PNG 2400px

Medium PNG 800px

Small PNG 300px

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Mermaid and sword sourced from Openclipart is licensed under CC0 1.0

* Note: Date might not match original source and might be an educated guess.