Pullup Resistor Circuit Schematic

Description: A pullup resistor works on the same principle as the pulldown resistor from httpsopenclipartorgdetail287688pulldownresistorcircuitschematic but the switch S1 is connected to the ground and the R2 resistor to Vin So in this case if the switch S1 is closed electricity takes the path of the least resistance and flows from the Input pin through the 100 resistor R1 to the ground thus interrupting its flow from the positive terminal Vin to the Input pin But if the switch is open the electricity flows from the positive terminal Vin to the Input pin through the two resistors R2 and R1 This is the exact opposite of the functionality of a pulldown resistor In a pulldown resistor circuit closing the switch starts the flow of electric current between Vin and the Input pin while in the pullup resistor circuit closing the switch stops that flow Both circuit types are commonly used in digital electronics

By: AdamStanislav

Date: 2017-09-27

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Pullup Resistor Circuit Schematic sourced from Openclipart is licensed under CC0 1.0

* Note: Date might not match original source and might be an educated guess.