Description: There might be cases where one needs to get in touch with the technical department For that every company issues their own technical or customer service support number Same is the case with Sky you can take help from the technical department by dialling the Sky contact number One is free to contact Sky on their official customer support number during their opening timings The Sky customer services team is available from 830 am to 1130 pm seven days a week Always keep in mind that the charges will be applied according to your phone services If you are using Sky talk services then you will not have to pay any call charges But in case if you are calling the Sky contact number from other UK landline phones then you will be charged as per the standard rates plus your phone provider access charge The best time you can access help on Sky UK contact number is before 11 amhttpwwwfixitherenetskycustomerservice
By: blog
Date: 2016-07-20
Downloads: 158
Filesize: 260224
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* Note: Date might not match original source and might be an educated guess.