
Description: A drawing of a sparrow found on snappygoat httpssnappygoatcomfreepublicdomainimagesimagefrompage28128969NlZqXFyo93X21LxF922PNZvnNRPnbAxz4c1w2muWKb9html009109372e83ad7cd2144edba3e2ce67539d47b78a

By: deartheophilus

Date: 2018-03-03

Downloads: 153

Filesize: 147599

Tags: Bird Black Drawing Line Old Sparrow White


Large PNG 2400px

Medium PNG 800px

Small PNG 300px

Javascript is needed to download PNG's.

Sparrow sourced from Openclipart is licensed under CC0 1.0

* Note: Date might not match original source and might be an educated guess.