Description: Based on a 1927 postcard by K Vik see httpwwworlojeuimgpohlednicef1927KVikStaromjpg for the source The Old Town Square of Prague The tall tower in the left half of the image is the Old Town Hall On the lower half of the Hall is the Prague Astronomical Clock the horologium though if youre not familiar with this place you may find it hard to find it in this image because it is facing the street The two towers in the background are of the Tn Shrine ie the Church of the Mother of God aka the Church of Our Lady before Tn and sorry I have no idea what a Tn is other than a name Its a beautiful place in Central Europe See httpsenwikipediaorgwikiOldTownSquare for more
By: AdamStanislav
Date: 2016-06-03
Downloads: 112
Filesize: 1635339
Staromstsk nmst v Praze 1927 Old Town Square in 1927 Prague sourced from Openclipart is licensed under CC0 1.0
* Note: Date might not match original source and might be an educated guess.