Description: In an attempt to illustrate an unwrapping problem Want to use a pattern along path lpebend lpevector brush to cover the spiral shape that matches the core path layed down beforehand This image shows the two sides drawn with black strokes which is supposed to represent the final tapered strokes edges The yellow path was constructed by interpolating the two edges should be somewhere halfway in between Then added a pattern along path lpe with a pattern of repeating parallel vertical lines and trimmed it with the two edges It is a bit inaccurate couldnt help that Then the midpoints were drawn of these supposedly perpendicular paths to the core path Surprisingly these midpoints fall off the previously drawn core pathAdded a powerstroke lpe to this new core path and snapped the effects handles to the previous perpendicular paths end points So far so good Now looking for a way to convert the powerstroke to a pattern along path lpe and then unwrapunlink the pattern so the unwrapped pattern shape can be used as a visual guide boundary to create an additional pattern that would fit right on the spiral with a pattern along pathbend lpe Huh what a long description Hope someone follows this at least out of curiosity
Date: 2017-12-13
Downloads: 131
Filesize: 3144934
Two Sided Ring 6 sourced from Openclipart is licensed under CC0 1.0
* Note: Date might not match original source and might be an educated guess.